Please support the Jerusalem International Fellows as we embark on the NEXT residency. We pray for the end of the war between Israel and Hamas and plan to resume the program as soon as possible.
With your contributions, Fellows, Hosts and Audiences will have time to talk together, eat together, disagree and explore together, forge lifelong friendships and pursue common dreams.
Join our family and be a part of their creative process. Help us to connect Jerusalem’s vital cultural ecosystem with a global creative network.
We welcome gifts of any amount. We also offer a selection of naming opportunities, both large and small, and will be proud to showcase your support.
$35,000 – Sponsor a Fellow (i.e. the “James and Priscilla Gold” Fellow)
$25,000 – Sponsor Orientation week and all the salons
$10,000 – Sponsor Opening and closing public presentations and receptions
$ 5,000 – Support a Host Organization stipend or sponsor a single salon
$ 3,000 – Sponsor travel expenses or cost of materials for a Fellow
$ 1,000 – Support Video documentation OR translation fee OR orientation week entrance fees
Contributions to Jerusalem International Fellows can be made through the FJC fiscal sponsorship program. Information Link Donation Link
To provide 100% of your gift please send a check made out to the FJC. Indicate Jerusalem International Fellows in the check memo line.
FJC – A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds
31 West 34th Street, Suite 8026
New York, NY 10001
FJC is a 501(c)(3) public charity. As such, all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.