Muslala is a nonprofit organization established in 2009 by artists, residents, and community activists of the Muslala neighborhood in Jerusalem. The organization, which is based in the Clal Building, runs art exhibitions, urban “art-tracks”, guided tours, and art workshops. It has additionally opened an active meeting and study center, as well as an exhibition space and an amazing garden on its roof. Muslala wishes to produce a new model that combines artistic activity with a social orientation and an ecological focus. Most of the activities take place outdoors in the public realm and have a widespread impact that extends beyond East and West Jerusalem. What is your interest in having an International Fellow? We are excited to host an experienced partner who will join us in our efforts to transform ourselves and our society into a more connected one. We wish to meet, exchange ideas, create, break bread and dance – celebrate life to its fully as part of the Muslala community. What kind of international artists have been involved with Muslala in the past? We have had an active residency program for more than 6 years, and have hosted artists from Spain, Croatia, Kenya, Iran, England, Germany, USA, Ukraine, Palestine and more, who seek direct interaction with the human and urban environment of Jerusalem. Who is your audience? What is your general interaction with the Jerusalem public? Muslala maintains a very wide spectrum of actions and projects, so it would be true to say that we work with all types of audiences – secular, religious, ultra-orthodox, Muslim, Christians, Jews, old, young and everything in between. Much of our work is taking place in the common sphere, the streets and plazas of Jerusalem. What kind of space and personnel will you provide your Fellow? Muslala has two established centers in West Jerusalem and another in the making in East Jerusalem.
The Muslala terrace at the “Clal” center is an urban oasis built on top of an old commercial center. The Terrace is a combination of an urban park, sustainability laboratory, artist studios, community kitchen, gallery and office space. The Muslala workshop is a professional community carpentry program that is a paradise for any craft person. Our new center is located at the heart of “Sheikh Jarrah” neighborhood, East Jerusalem. It is based over the roof of the central library, which is a very popular space and a haven for those who look for a quiet space to study. We will be working with Vibha Galhotra.